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still from 1978's "Jubilee" |
if necessary roll 2d6x10' for encounter distance.
- saxophone music is coming from somewhere
- man publically selling eggs, cutting hair
- a mouse election?
- 3 card monte but the shill won't stop winning or let anyone else play
- something the players would really want is on sale
- ...at a closed store that never opens
- competing funeral processions
- whatever building the players are trying to get to, a horde of golems are dissembling it for complex bureaucratic reasons, all the building's staff have their possessions in their hands or in piles at their feet (original, similar idea by d. sell I think -ed)
- fat, gross cat to accompany party
- man selling trained bats
- graffiti is obviously a url, if you follow it leads to clues (let's see you improvise THAT -ed)
- quality brothel
- street-side liposuction & other cosmetic surgeries... tummy tuck... bone reduction
- abandoned death ray
- folks burning a library
- lynching
- brick thieves tearing up a street
- coal truck leaking coal, urchins follow
- 3 card monte but dumbass dealer
- herd of pigs playing flutes guided by pigherd
- ugly and territorial goose terrorizing schoolchildren
- superhero makes appearance, saves someone
- leaping suicide
- leaping suicide but there's still time to save them
- nearby bombing
- violent protest + suppression by
- police
- soldiers
- rival faction
- mysterious hooded beings
- red neighborhood of gushing communists
- chase + cliche
- fruit cart
- workers carrying glass
- "kiss me!"
- banana peel
- evil plan they were wondering about clearly reported in blown-by newspaper
- bicycles recently invented
- demon inviting you into its well, inside:
- needs people to try its demon candy, effects: (will give you a package of the candy if you try one, and will let you go)
- horrible lust for the worst possible person
- eyeballs permanently switch to reverse side of head, uncurable
- genitals yell extremely loud next time used
- snake pills make snakes grow inside your body, they never leave, somewhat friendly
- "care for a game of chess"? willing to bet metaphysical stakes
- you find yourself leaving the well as soon as you climb in, and some time has passed
- needs someone to scratch its back, but only with their big toe... rewards demon jewlery:
- stinky bone attached to rope of beads, wards against good ideas
- toe ring that doubles your aging
- fat bracelet, makes you unconsciously always do rude gestures
- choker that completely removes the desire to do good from your brain when worn
- random PC has STD flare-up
- russian roulette street preacher (from "el topo" -ed)
- a bunch of kids all coming this way playing russian roulette each with a gun. they all keep winning but there's some incidental fire
- shore leave sailors en masse harass, cajole, befriend, fight, entertain, won't let you leave
- flock of schoolkids running with scissors
- firefighters dousing melting piano + burned pianist, another victim of the mysterious "piano killer..."
- fancy duel
- megalomaniac archer trying to find a kid to shoot an apple off the head of
- public execution by strangling taking really long and exhausting stranglers, officiant wants to know if PCs can help out
- weed-whacker style invention on the loose, pursued by inventor
- persistent singing merchants, as if leading up to a musical number
- speakeasy raid
- cheap crabcakes
- the mayor is making a speech...
- and an evil clown is standing behind him & to the left
- ...banning:
- knives
- open sale of furniture
- all dogs
- -- establishing a curfew due to the "piano killer"
- presenting a medal to a heretofore unknown but somehow still popularly known superhero
- he's at the part of the speech where he's taking questions
- team of horses transporting giant stone head (from: "fellini satyricon" -ed)
- mass suicide
- man beating wife in street
- man beating domestic partner in street
- panhandler is persistent to the point of archvillainry
- giant scoby everyone ignores
- loose, wild horse is really destructive
- girl-watching crowd assembled and in wait
- the emperor is visiting
- public theatre performance features a real punitive amputation and then an incidental, real drama about a slave (also from satyricon -ed)
- old men in quantity trying to win the favors of noblewoman who is obligated to do public tryouts, she can't leave till they all go
- hideous, racist memorial unveiling
- the olympics are here
- fresh-faced youth recruiting for suicidal adventure
- near-perfect-quality fakes being painted and sold on street; these have obvious value, there's a growing crowd
- gang sawing off head of feminist hero statue
- it's one of the days where a nearby factory, or the equivalent, releases so much pollution that activity has to be limited and people with trouble breathing nearly die.
- gang of artists stalking and assassinating cops
- street gang with rocks really trying to hurt you
- large and terrible fire
- adults egging on a child protester to stall carriages and throw rocks
- spies making contact but they're loud enough that it's obvious
- extremely powerful rare earth magnets on travelling display and for a high price
- accurate fortune telling from nomads
- feast
- you overhear a demonic ritual taking place in a building, they mean to cast Summon
- mass shooting, one shooter many victims, underway in nearby basement
- conmen attempting the "pigeon drop" on y'all
- eating contest, presumably bizarre
- people are chasing a feral cats to bag and burn
- fan of your exploits wants to join your party, has law trouble secretly
- crowd of your fans going "beatles"-level crazy and tearing at your clothes
- stand selling hemlock at steep discount + a feverish rush to buy
- rich and jealous lover burning effigy of copulating rivals... semiritual...
- ventriloquist + dummy have stolen crown jewels and are openly wearing them (and mocking the crown). highly powerful ppl
- community college is offering some appealing classes
- band playing songs with subject matter distantly about the player characters
- dispute over plagiarized poetry about 10 seconds away from becoming a gunfight
- drug dealers offering regional variants on meth
- quality hand grenades for sale
- people are looting a gun store in advance of the cops. a battle has already killed the original perps and almost all of the staff
- dedicated & doomed advance on the capital building, will result in a hours-long siege
- Guru CAN teach you the secret to levitation
- Tourists in quantity also curious about you
- Large public dance
- abandoned & spilled mailbag
- posters everywhere advertise a play, tickets are expensive, going gives you 1 skill point in Art Appreciation
- Black cat keeps crossing your path
- Alley tank is damaged, seeping much:
- Powerful glue
- Lantern oil
- Jellied Goldschläger (delicious!)
- Plasma (can be used to refill plasmic cores or inhaled as plasmic cores, is quite dangerous)
- Economic boom! All characters offered reliable jobs.
- Economic bust! All characters with reliable jobs are fired.
- One random character with a reliable job is fired with little cause.
- Chance encounter with a previous villain, now reformed.
- Uncanny doppleganger adventuring group encountered
- Police brutality.