Friday, July 27, 2018

troika! ghost powers

  1. possession
    1. ghosts may attempt to possess the living. 
  2. ectoplasm
    1. ghosts may exert ectoplasm which may remain as goo or take the form of small living creatures or other hallucenogenic f/x as appropriate
  3. communication
    1. ghosts may appear, recognizably ghosts, to and/or speak to the living
  4. flying
    1. ghosts may fly and pass through walls. they may not pass through lead, ivy, or more than three feet of stone (or salt rings… -ed)
  5. vulnerability to fire
    1. ghosts touching fire take damage as appropriate
  6. vulnerability to light
    1. ghosts may not manifest any powers (#1-#3, #8) in the presence of any stronger than candle light and will lose possession in strong light
  7. affecting other ghosts
    1. all ghosts treat each other and all possessions (both their inventories and possessed people -ed) (and only each other and all possessions, this means spells and so on -ed, although you may cast spells if you possess somebody ) as if they were fully corporeal. 
  8. ghost objects
    1. ghosts may pick up “ghost objects” of recently destroyed objects

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